CHAPTER LEADERSHIPPresident: Heather Rainbolt
Vice-President/Secretary: David Rainbolt Treasurer: Dana Landrum Events Coordinator: Connie Straw Immediate Past President: Tiffany Rainwater Cadet Gifts Chair: TBA Fundraising Decals: TBA Social Media: TBA Class of 2025 Rep: Cathy Martfeld Class of 2026 Rep: Mari Ferrari Class of 2027 Rep: TBA Class of 2028 Rep: Kathy Schmidt Alumni Parent Rep: Aimee Davis |
ABOUT THE ARKANSAS USAFA PARENTS' ASSOCIATIONServing parents of Air Force Academy cadets and alumni in the State of Arkansas
From packing goody boxes to attending Parents Weekend, the Arkansas USAFA Parents' Association exists to support our cadets, parents, and alumni. There is nothing like having a support group to share your cadet's achievements and to help provide encouragement when things get tough. The Long Blue Line is a journey, and a challenge when attempted alone. Participate in activities to develop life-long friendships, and feel connected beyond just your immediate family. Even if you are brand new to the military, having a cadet means you are a military family! Join our group!